Blog August 28, 2013 by

St Giles

A Summer Fair at St Giles London Highgate

The English summer of 2013 has never been better and at St Giles London Highgate we have had the pleasure of enjoying it in our beautiful garden. The most enjoyable and successful event of our summer so far has been our annual Summer Fair which took place on the 26th July.

We had glorious sunny weather and the students and teachers banded together to create some amazing stalls. During the Summer Fair we had games and competitions such as guess the weight of the large rainbow cake and the naming of the giant bunny rabbit. These prizes were kindly donated to the school by local businesses to help raise money for charity. The festivities of the day were concluded with the charity auction. The items that had been generously donated included vouchers for restaurants and cafes, weekend trips to places such as Stonehenge & Bath, musical tickets, VIP nightclub tickets and the 2 weeks’ English language study at St Giles London Highgate. The summer fair stalls and the charity auction were a great success thanks to the generous and kind efforts of both the teaching staff and the students of St Giles London

The money we raised will be donated to the following charities which St Giles International supports – Heart Children’s Home, Expand and Cancer Research. We were very pleased to announce that we had successfully raised a grand total of £2442.30 at the fair.

If you would like to learn English in the UK at our English School in London Highgate, please visit our website or contact us for more information at