ELT Library Session: Web 2.0: ICT and Teachers

On Thursday 5th January Nicky Hockly is coming to our St Giles London Central ELT library to lead a workshop on using internet resources in the classroom.

Blogs, wikis, podcasts & vodcasts, social bookmarking – these are all examples of so-called Web 2.0 technology. This workshop looks at specific examples of teachers using Web 2.0 ICT – Internet and Communication Technology – in new and interesting ways. We will look at some of the success stories, and also at the challenges faced by teachers in implementing ICT in their teaching. What tools are freely available, where are they being used, by whom, and how?

Nicky has been EFL teaching and training for the past 25 years. She is Director of Pedagogy of The Consultants-E, an online teacher training and development consultancy. She is co-author of How to Teach English with Technology, Learning English as a Foreign Language for Dummies and Teaching Online (nominated for a 2011 British Council ELTon Award). She maintains a blog at www.emoderationskills.com, and is currently co-writing a book on digital  literacies (Pearson, forthcoming 2012), as well as an e-book on webinars for The Round (www.the-round.com).

The session will be from 6.30 – 8.00 pm and tickets will cost £5 per person. Please contact us at eltlibrary@stgiles.co.uk for more information!