Exercise Can Help you to Learn English Faster

Speaking involves a lot of muscles. As children learn to speak language, certain muscles in the face and mouth are engaged. They become familiar with the movements which they make as they form the same sounds on a regular basis.

If you are trying to learn to speak English and find some of the sounds difficult to make, or if you find that you feel panicked when attempting to converse, then practising your breathing techniques and exercising your face and mouth can really help you to improve much faster.

Try to do some exercises on a daily basis as this will not only encourage you to form a habit around exercising but also strengthen your muscles.

Warming up your mouth
Begin by standing or sitting in a comfortable position. Take in some slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Repeat this 10 times and then make an “mmm” sound. Repeat the “mmm” sound on the out breath.

When you feel a buzzing sensation in your face, then you know you have reached a good point of resonance. It means your muscles are relaxed and your vocal chords are warmed up.

Now with your mouth closed, move your tongue all around your mouth; move it up, down and from side to side. Do this whilst you count to 10 slowly in your mind.

Now open your mouth as wide as possible without hurting your jaw; then screw it up as tightly as you can. Repeat this 10 times and then make a “brrr” noise with your lips to complete the session.

Breathing is a huge part of speaking and language. Breathing in a shallow way will make us less understandable when we speak. It is hard to fully engage in your spoken language if you are not breathing effectively. The ends of words can be missed, other words come out on a gasp rather than with a clear sound.

Lie down on your back in a warm room; use a pillow if it helps you to feel more comfortable.
Focus now on your breathing; breathe in through your nose and try to feel your ribs as they move outwards. Do they move outwards or are they still? They should move if you are breathing fully.
If your chest is rising but your ribs are still, that is because your breathing is too shallow. The air is not reaching all the way down and using your full lung capacity.

Lie still and try to focus on the breath coming in slowly; moderate the amount you can breathe in. Make the breaths deep and long and let them out through your mouth.

In through the nose and out through the mouth. This is a very calming and focusing exercise to do; it helps allow you to remain cool and collected during your day, if you feel upset, confused or any other negative emotion, simply breathe deeply and remember how important oxygen is when it comes to the spoken word.