An interview with Sue Laker

Ever wondered what your favourite registrars do on a daily basis?  We asked our Senior Registrar at St Giles Brighton, Sue Laker, some questions about her time working for St Giles.

Sue Laker - St Giles International Registrar

How long have you worked at St Giles?

More than 26 years!

What changes have you seen during that time?

MANY!  When I began working here in the 1980’s all the bookings and enquiries were hand-written but now we have a very modern and efficient computer system.  The school has grown a lot so we now have more courses, more students, more agents,  more accommodation options, a Platinum Centre, a residence, branches overseas, junior courses in the summer … the list is endless!   To sum up, though, everything is bigger and better than when I started working for St Giles!

What do you like best about working at St Giles?

I enjoy the friendly atmosphere and being able to help people.    Each day is different so I enjoy the variety!

Have you met any famous students?

Yes – these include a Turkish Pop Star, a Lithuanian Ambassador and the former Head of Sussex Police!

Do you have contact with the other St Giles’ Colleges?

Yes, I’m regularly liaising with my colleagues in London and Eastbourne.

Tell me about a typical day in the Registrar’s office

Every day is so different!  I begin by checking my emails and distributing enquiries and enrolments to my colleagues in Registration.   I reply to many emails myself and have a lot of contact with our agents overseas.   We receive all kinds of interesting enquiries and special requests so I may need to check out the possibilities of playing football or golf, or going horse-riding in the Brighton area.   When we have new members of staff I train them and help them to settle in and I sometimes help visiting students to choose a course and enrol at the school.   They usually ask to be shown round the school.   I often help Beginners who have problems because I can speak Turkish and French.   I enjoy helping students in many different ways: a new student might have lost their luggage, or a departing student might want to send luggage back to their country; a student might be homesick and just need to talk to someone; they might need a departure taxi; sometimes students need help to open a bank account, to buy something specific from a shop or to go to a doctor or dentist.  We all help them in many different ways.  I answer the telephone and deal with enquiries and once each week I have a meeting with the Principal.   Next week I am doing a Social Activity with the students and one day I met a group of teachers arriving at Gatwick airport.   There’s always something interesting going on!

What do you do when you are not at St Giles Brighton?

I enjoy making home-made cards and I sing in a choir.   I live in the country so I also enjoy nature and my garden.

If you’d like to learn English at our English school in Brighton, then just email us at or visit the main St Giles website for more information!