St Giles London Central and Brighton ‘exceed expectations’ in ISI monitoring visit!

During one of the busiest periods of the year, our Brighton and London Central schools had an ISI monitoring visit, to ensure they were continuing to meet the high standards expected. We are delighted to share that the report confirmed that St Giles has continued to ‘exceed expectations’!

Some of the key findings include:

The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners’ achievements is excellent. Course provision is excellent and provides a range of choices to meet individual requirements. Course planning is student-centred and promotes progress for all students.

Students’ welfare, including health and safety, is excellent. Premises are fit-for-purpose, secure and well maintained. Academic and personal support is provided by designated staff with a good range of support specialisms and meets the needs of all students.

The effectiveness of governance, leadership and management is excellent. Communication throughout the organisation is very effective. Staff are highly qualified and committed to the educational vision set for the schools.

You can see the full report here.