Blog February 6, 2012 by

St Giles

Some Time Out in San Francisco

Sibylle Broennimann is currently learning English at our San Francisco centre. Here Sibylle talks about her much-needed break in the rejuvenating city.

Before I came to San Francisco I quit my job. I really needed a timeout from my life. One Saturday I sat by the lake watching the water and my head was like a train station: loud, confused and without orientation. So, I decided to take a break in S.F. to gain new power and bring more organization in my life.

One month after this cold day on the lake, I found myself in San Francisco.  From the first second onward, I’ve felt free and I’ve felt the power in my body. It’s a feeling I will never forget. It’s been like a rejuvenation to my body.

I’ve stopped making plans for the day because every day is different and brings new feelings and it’s not possible to do exactly what I’ve chosen the day before. When I walk around the streets and I watch all the different social situations (rich people versus homeless people) I start to think about my own life. I realize how rich I am. It has nothing to do with money. It’s about other things that help create a happy life: love, friendship, a place to live and people you can trust. I crossed the street and went back to my apartment. I put my pajamas on and walked to the window and looked out at the houses and smiled.

I don’t have any plans for my future. I just know one thing: live and enjoy every day like it would be your last. And this will be my plan for when I leave San Francisco. Good night my lovely city.  We will see each other tomorrow.

If you would like to find out more about our English courses and school locations, contact St Giles.