A Summer of Fun on our Social Programmes!

Each year, our Social Programme teams work hard to produce a fantastic timetable of summer events for our students. Ranging from sightseeing excursions to walking tours, from pub crawls to theatre trips and much more, our social programmes offer activities for everyone to get involved in!

We’ve collected together some of our students’ favourite memories from the summer of2019, and their thoughts on the St Giles social programmes…

We had some fantastic sightseeing trips….
“My favourite memory from the summer is when I went to Whistler because I’ve never been there. I could see a wonderful view” – Yumi, Japan, from St Giles Vancouver

“Fisherman’s wharf tour was amazing. It’s my favorite place in San Francisco because I love the sea lions. The view was beautiful.” – Sina, Switzerland, from St Giles San Francisco

“My favorite summer memory is going to Brighton where I went recently. I really liked the city because I love seeing other cities and discover new landscape.”– Vanessa, Switzerland, from St Giles Eastbourne


Lots of fun sporting events….
“My favorite memory from the summer is the kayak tour because it was very fun. I really like sport and activities generally, but I’ve never been kayaking so it was totally new to me and just a great experience. A weekend just hiking, sport, beautiful landscape and kayaking!” – Fabienne , Switzerland, from St Giles Vancouver

“My favourite summer memory is from Sports Day because I got to try different activities and talk to lots of different people, and enjoy the good weather!” – Miguel, Argentina, from St Giles London Central

“We went to watch the football game “BC Lions VS Tiger – Cats” at BC Stadium the last Saturday. It was really amazing, the stadium is amazing, good junk food and many fans.” – Héctor, Mexico, St Giles Vancouver

Plenty of food and drink…
“My favorite activity was ‘Spark Social SF’. It is place that has many food trucks and bonfire pits we can roast marshmallows. Because this place is not famous like the Golden Gate Bridge or Alcatraz, not many people know about it. It was a really nice place hidden in San Francisco and I enjoyed the atmosphere and had a good time.” – Jonggeon Baek, S. Korea, from St Giles San Francisco

“I really like going to a pub. I think it is good chance to make many friends and improve my English ability” – Kyeonghee YU, Korea, from St Giles Cambridge

“My favourite summer memory is from the Pirate Boat party because I haven’t been to a boat party before. I enjoyed the music and the people and of course, the beer!” – Ygor, Brazil, from St Giles London Central

“My favourite summer social programme activity is seafront seafood. I have joined it several times, I enjoy it because I can eat delicious fresh seafood and have a chat with friends.”– Haruka, St Giles Brighton

Fundraising events…
“My favourite summer memory is from the charity concert because it was good to see so many talented students, and teachers, performing. It good fun, and helped to raise money for a good cause too!” – Maria, Mexico, from St Giles London Central

All in all, a summer of fun for our students!
“I really enjoy these social activities. I think it very important for the students because the can meet new friends” – Denis Baklanov, Israel, from St Giles Cambridge

“Well, I think the social programme is a great opportunity to get to know other students, the city and even how St Giles cares about their student’s non-academic life.” – Ana Morales, from St Giles Brighton