St Giles Eastbourne achieves Eaquals accreditation

Well done to St Giles Eastbourne, who in January this year passed their Eaquals inspection with flying colours!


Eaquals is a leading professional association of language training providers that aims to promote quality in language teaching institutions. Following an inspection in December last year, it was found that St Giles International Eastbourne meets the high standards required for Eaquals accreditation and has once again become an accredited member of Eaquals!

The inspection covered all aspects of the school, including the teaching quality, course programmes and course organisation, the learning resources, student testing and evaluation. It was found that the institution takes great care to protect the welfare of its clients and staff, and that “all publicity materials produced by the school are accurate and truthful”.

The Inspectors also identified points of excellence in the following categories and gave the following statements:

Course Design and Supporting Systems
“The Course Design and Supporting Systems are excellent because the school’s educational philosophy is described in a very clear and comprehensive way. This philosophy translates into a practical guidance for teachers and comes through in the teaching as carried out at school.”

Staff Profile and Development
“Staff Profile and Development meet the criteria of excellence because the proportion of teaching staff with higher qualifications is very high.”

Staff Employment Terms
“Staff Employment Terms are excellent because there are permanent employment possibilities for a large proportion of teaching staff, which exceeds the norm in the language education sector.”

We are extremely proud of our staff at St Giles Eastbourne for all their hard work. They have once again upheld St Giles Eastbourne’s reputation as one of the top English language schools in the UK!

What is Eaquals?
Eaquals (The European Association for Quality Language Service) is a Pan-European association of language training providers whose aim is to promote and guarantee high-quality modern language teaching in institutions around the world.
Eaquals is a world leader in accreditation for language teaching organisations. Eaquals accreditation is the gold standard for language centres and a highly-respected badge of excellence. In order to become an accredited member, institutions must pass an inspection and comply with a demanding set of criteria for accreditation.
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