Mariana Ximenes and Melis Birkan study English at St Giles!

This May, our London Central Platinum centre welcomed two actresses to study English with us.

We were delighted to welcome Mariana Ximenes from Brazil and Melis Birkan from Turkey. These lovely ladies both took one of our Platinum Courses. These are tailor-made English courses for executives and professional clients.

Melis said the following about her time at St Giles with us:

I am glad to be here because I’m learning English with my teacher Stuart. I have met friendly and polite Platinum course staff and students. I would recommend St Giles courses because they are the best in London! Thank you everyone at St Giles.

Mariana recorded this short video about her time with us:

And here is a photograph of the two actresses in our Platinum centre, together with their teachers, Stuart and Shereene: